What Makeup Artists Would Love You To Know?

Just like other professionals, makeup artists also want to provide the best customer service. So, despite the negative thoughts running through their mind, they will serve their clients with a smile. 

Are you wondering what makeup artists would love you to know as a customer? You will be surprised because they are many things. 

Here are some of them: 


1. It is Inconvenient 


Makeup artists love seeing their clients transform into a goddess of beauty. However, they hate customers going to salons with makeup on. Of course, it would be cruel to say to clients to come in with a clean face. But honestly speaking, it will add time to every appointment. Also, some makeup artists may not have products that suit an individual’s cleansing routine. 


2. Never Pick your Pimples Before an Appointment 


Picking your pimples is bad for your skin. But many people still practice that thing to alleviate the itchiness. However, the truth is that it can pose a potential danger to your skin. 

Also, when attending an event, you need to look presentable. So, never pick your pimples because it’s hard to cover. 

Oozing spots and scabs are a few things that give makeup artists a hassle. 

3. Brush Your Teeth 


Well, this may sound basic. However, some clients forget to get it done ahead. Since a makeup artist gets into your personal space a bit, bad breath can be distracting. 

Also, some may say they can brush their teeth after an appointment. But you can remove your makeup, especially the lipstick. This can be time-consuming and daunting. So, to make things easy, brush your teeth beforehand. 


4. Makeup Artists are not Cosmetic Surgeons 


Clients bring a picture during an appointment to give makeup artists the idea about their preferences. 

For a makeup artist, it’s a good idea. No matter how hard your goal to achieve, they will try their best to turn a beautiful transformation into a reality. 

However, don’t expect too much. Technically, the picture is different from your face, including the eye shape, hair color, and skin. So, don’t scold them in front of their colleagues. Instead, remember that makeup artists are not cosmetic surgeons. 


5. Be Respectful and Sensitive 


A professional makeup artist has spent their time and money to get their certifications. They undergo appropriate training or seminars to become flexible, meeting the changing demand of their clients. 

So, as a client, don’t condescend their capabilities by repeating how you do a thing. Also, never ask whether they have heard of contouring or highlight. Plus, don’t sound like you are insulting them although you don’t mean to in reality. Just be sensitive in everything you do. 


6. Never Insult Yourself 


With my years of experience, I’ve encountered people insulting themselves. And if I had a dollar for every client, I think I’d be rich. 

Can you hide all these spots and wrinkles? I hope you have a magical hand for this wrinkled and old face. These are the common insults my clients say to themselves every day. Be kind and never insult yourself. Remember that beauty starts from within. 


7. Remember that Not All Trends are Good for You


As with other industries, there are makeup trends and going with the flow does not have any problem. 

With us, our number one goal is to make our clients feel and look amazing. We also tell them whether or not a makeup trend does not suit their specific needs. That’s why we’d like to encourage our customers to be open to our suggestions. We have the expertise, experience, and knowledge that everyone can count on. 


8. Your Beauty will Change Over Time 


You are beautiful despite your age. But it’s normal to compare yourself to others. Don’t feel negative about that. Take it lightly. It’s all right. Although you’re wrinkled, you can still be as stunning as someone else. 


9. Never Compare Makeup Artists


Well, comparing your previous makeup artist to others on social media is common. But bear in mind that makeup artists have their style and techniques. Also, don’t rely on social networking sites because filters or photoshop is common these days. 

To find the right professional, do extensive research. That way, you can be sure that your decision is a bright one. 


10. Some Makeup Artists are not Honest 


Today, there are many makeup artists to choose from. But not all are professional. Well, there are some who teach themselves to harness their craft. But the failure to foster their talent can give you so much inconvenience. 

Of course, you want to get the appropriate, hygienic, safe and effective services for an appointment. So, be sure to count on a seasoned makeup artist to give you a worth it experience. 

Social media are filled with photo-shopped and filtered photos. It doesn’t mean that people who have thousands of followers can prove the worth of their services. 

Well, it only proves that they are good at social platforms. When you’re in search for makeup artists, research their training and experience before you commit. Although it can be a long process, take your time. Your efforts will pay off at the end of the day. 


11. Respect a Makeup Artist’s Price 


Have you ever asked your previous makeup artists to reduce their price? It’s a big mistake. Remember they need to eat too, so put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine your employer cut your pay, and you’ll probably be not happy about it. Plus, you will feel unappreciated. So, remember that they also have to earn a living just like other professionals out there. 


12. Contouring is not Ideal for All


Contouring requires constant touchups. For average individuals, a heavy contour can be impractical and high maintenance. Celebrities who use this technique have a full glam squad to keep their skin blended and powdered. So, when considering this kind of makeup, ask yourself whether or not it’s necessary.

There you have it! How’s your experience? Perhaps, you might laugh because the lists are relatable, right? But don’t worry! You now know how to deal with makeup artists. 




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